Purpose Built, Performance Guaranteed!

Music Voice Series - Integrated Controller Amplifier
Our Flagship Model – Industry Standard Workhorse!
We designed the MV-1.24X for easy installation, unmatched flexibility and worry-free operation.
Designed and manufactured in Niagara Falls, NY, our flagship model brings our 40 years of engineering experience to work for you.
4 models available that drive speaker configurations from 2 to 90 speakers.
- Industry leading ease of use & dependability
- Silent, rock-solid performance
- FULL LAR 10-Year Warranty
"LAR Audio's rock-solid performance now available to the public, for even the largest Installations!"
Quiescent Specifications:
Preamplifier Stage Gain:
Adjustable From Full Cut to +14dB [+6dB Default ]
Power Amplifier Stage Gain: 25 V/V [ +28dB ]
Operating Voltage Rails: +/- 48VDC unloaded, Ground Referenced
Current Draw: 5 Amperes [ Nominal ]
Input Impedance for Unbalanced Inputs 1, 2, 3, and 4: 17kΩ per RCA Leg
Input Impedance for Balanced Input 2: 10kΩ per XLR Leg
Output Impedance for Preamp / Sub Outputs: 150Ω per XLR Leg
Damping Factor: > 200 into 8Ω.
Required AC Mains: 110-125VAC, 50-60Hz, 5A.
DC Output Offset: No more than +/- 100mVp
Quiescent Offset & Noise at Output: < 10mVp-p
Rise Time – Uncompensated – Non Filtered: 3.5μS [ 10% to 90% at 5vp-p]
Amplifier Section Frequency Performance: Less than 5Hz. to greater than 20kHz
Amplifier Power Supply: Linear – 400 VA Toroid – 13,600uF Shared Rail Filter Capacitance
Sine Wave Output Power with Compressor Engaged:
– 8 Ohms: 75 W RMS continuous per channel
– 4 Ohms: 125 W RMS continuous per channel
– 2 Ohms: 140 W RMS continuous per channel
Load Impedance:
– 2 Ohm Minimum: Dual Mono Full Range, Dual Mono Highs or Biamped Modes
– 4 Ohm Minimum: Bridged Mono Modes
Number Of Output Channels: Two
Dimensions: 19“ W x 3 1/2“ H x 12 1/2“ D
Weight: 18 lbs.
Chassis Material: 12 Gauge 5052-H32 Aluminum
Front End Error Amp Topology: Dual Mirrored Differential Long Tailed Pair, CCS Biased
Output Section Topology: Direct Coupled Class AB – Double BiPolar Output.
Cooling Method: Variable Speed Internal Fan